[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/4″][gem_youtube width=”100%” height=”350px” video_id=”MIPTmaAT01Q”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Where does your mind go as you strategize about hitting your practice’s production goals? Likely to
It’s not an easy time for the senior living industry. New safety protocols, sensationalized headlines and a shrinking sales funnel can be difficult to manage, and when there are pressing priorities and reduced staff, marketing efforts can be put on the backburner. Marketing might seem like something to push aside, but as our senior living clients can attest, there is no better time for a highly focused marketing strategy. Fortunately, it needn’t be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Mistake #1: Waiting too long to speak up “Your first instinct might be to bootstrap communications until the economy begins to recover. Except,
The last few months have taken a toll on teams across the nation, sparing few organizations and industries. As a business owner or organization leader, you have likely had to take a microscope to your expenses to determine where to cut costs in order to stay afloat. This can often mean cutting back on marketing, including reducing the size of your internal marketing team.
When the economy is in decline, all too often do business owners rush to tighten their belts and limit expenditures. While it is important to implement cost-saving measures in order to stay afloat, it’s important to analyze the repercussions of these cuts so as not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Unfortunately, marketing often finds itself on the chopping block, which can be a costly mistake.
During the last few months, you have likely had an inbox full of very similar emails from every brand under the sun –
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The term “paradigm shift” is a top contender for most-overused buzz phrase in the business world. While there is never any shortage of
User experience is of paramount importance to any business, but it’s especially critical in healthcare. Consumerism – the shift toward more choices for increasingly discerning consumers – has UX a hot topic in our industry. It isn’t the only factor at play, however. Too, constrictive regulations and the increasing power of the consumer voice are making things more precarious for healthcare organizations, who must adhere to HIPAA guidelines.
But how do we replicate success? Simple: a dependable set of standard operating procedures. Their importance can’t be overstated, and they could improve your marketing operations across the board. Read on to examine the strength and versatility of a well-crafted SOP, in 6 parts.