by Wendy O’Donovan Phillips

In every crisis there’s an opportunity for those who are able to quickly sense and adapt –– and the coronavirus is no exception.
Lightico spoke to some of the world’s most successful lawyers, financiers, automotive professionals, insurance officers, healthcare innovators, agency presidents, and tech founders to learn how executives across vastly different fields are not just surviving, but in many cases thriving during the coronavirus crisis.
Recurring themes of embracing remote work, adopting digital tools, and maintaining (virtual) channels of communication with clients abound.
But more than anything, a common undercurrent of resilience, creativity, and flexibility can be felt in the thoughts these executives shared with us. Against the odds, they are delivering more value than ever to the clients who depend on them. And many have discovered new behaviors, habits, and technologies that they’ll keep, even after the coronavirus fades away.
Read the full article here to hear how Big Buzz took a 4-step approach to maintain business continuity through the COVID-19 pandemic.