by Evan Franklin

BuzzWords – Quarter 1, 2020
Check out the latest edition of Buzzwords, Big Buzz’s quarterly ‘zine! As always, this issue contains some of our most in-depth pieces from the last 3 months, including guidance on SEO, cybersecurity, data protection, market research methodology and more. You can also read the summary and analysis of our extensive end-of-year healthcare marketing survey.
Cybersecurity: Healthcare has become a prime target for cyberattacks, but the industry’s lines of defense are woefully behind those of other, similarly vulnerable sectors like retail and finance. Learn about why it’s become such an appealing target for criminals and how organizations can fight back.
The Power of a Survey: Surveys are a timeless marketing tactic, but recent technological innovations have increased their reach, uses and effectiveness exponentially. As a result, they are one of the most powerful yet cost-effective methods of market research, providing immediate and tangible results.
2019 End of Year Survey: Big Buzz closed out the year by conducting an extensive survey of healthcare professionals in several specialties to gauge the industry’s approach to marketing in 2019 and how they plan to adjust in the new year. Take a look at our breakdown of trends in several key areas, including tactics, budgeting, challenges and more.
Digital Marketing Writing Tips & Tricks: Search engine optimization (SEO) best practices vary from industry to industry and are much more involved than one might think. Platforms like Google are constantly creating new algorithms and updating existing ones constantly. Among them are measures that place extra requirements on content pertaining to topics like healthcare and finances. Find out what we mean.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
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