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Out of the wide blue ocean of marketing, we create a focused energy people notice.

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Out of the wide blue ocean of marketing, we create a focused energy people notice.


Blog: 15 Years of Ideas and Insights From the
Big Buzz® Experts

Wendy O’Donovan Phillips Featured In 25 Inspiring Quotes and Business Tips from Successful Female Entrepreneurs

Wendy O’Donovan Phillips, CEO of Big Buzz, was recently featured under in 25 Inspiring Quotes and Business Tips from Successful Female Entrepreneurs under “How to Become Successful in Your Business’s Day to Day Operations."

By |March 17th, 2020|Explore Our Press Mentions|

How to Generate Leads Despite COVID-19-Related Conference Cancellations

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By |March 12th, 2020|Marketing Articles|

Wendy O’Donovan Phillips CEO of Big Buzz Interviewed by VoyageDenver

Success has come with its challenges. Just last year, despite the fact I was financially qualified and approved weeks later by another bank, I was turned down for a corporate line of credit with a prominent national bank. I was told in writing, “I know you don’t want to do this, but we need your husband to cosign on the loan.” Big Buzz is 100% owned by me.

By |March 10th, 2020|Explore Our Press Mentions|

Wendy O’Donovan Phillips CEO of Big Buzz Interviewed by IdeaMensch

Wendy O’Donovan Phillips is CEO of Big Buzz, an agency delivering strategy and consultation to drive focused marketing efforts for executives and teams nationwide. Wendy is the author of two books, and she has been published in many healthcare journals. She is a member of the Women’s President Organization, having reached $1 million in revenues the last two years. She lives in Denver with her husband, daughter and 24-year-old cat.

By |March 4th, 2020|Explore Our Press Mentions|

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