Blog: 15 Years of Ideas and Insights From the
Big Buzz® Experts
Human Factors: The User Experience
User experience is of paramount importance to any business, but it’s especially critical in healthcare. Consumerism – the shift toward more choices for increasingly discerning consumers – has UX a hot topic in our industry. It isn’t the only factor at play, however. Too, constrictive regulations and the increasing power of the consumer voice are making things more precarious for healthcare organizations, who must adhere to HIPAA guidelines.
Facebook Ad Disapproved: Navigating the ‘Special Ad Category’
Facebook recently removed age, gender and ZIP code targeting for housing, employment and credit ads. Restrictions include other demographics, behavior and interest targeting. This also includes setting up Lookalike Audiences. Lookalike audiences allow advertisers to create targeted lists based on their most valuable customers such as page followers, conversions and custom audience lists. The new ad policy applies to advertisers targeting U.S. users on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger
How SOPs Help With the Diagnosis and the Cure
But how do we replicate success? Simple: a dependable set of standard operating procedures. Their importance can’t be overstated, and they could improve your marketing operations across the board. Read on to examine the strength and versatility of a well-crafted SOP, in 6 parts.
The Only True Competitive Edge: Your Legacy
Your competition has a one-year strategic plan, of course, and some may have 3- to 5-year plans, but they don’t have the vision you have. Consider what your organization will look like 20 years from now, or once you have exited. Imagine bringing your vision to life for your team now and what impact that will have over the years to come.