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Out of the wide blue ocean of marketing, we create a focused energy people notice.

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Out of the wide blue ocean of marketing, we create a focused energy people notice.


Blog: 15 Years of Ideas and Insights From the
Big Buzz® Experts

Eliminating Noise in the Marketplace

Every year, countless dollars are wasted on ineffective marketing efforts in the senior living industry. When marketing tactics are disjointed and incongruent, the results they produce (or don’t) pale in comparison to those of strategic and comprehensive efforts. As competition grows, the need for a well-oiled marketing machine is becoming even more significant.

By |April 7th, 2019|Sharpen Competitive Edge|

4 Fixes For Disjointed Marketing

Marketing plans always start with the best of intentions. Team-wide strategy sessions are held. Tactics are documented. Budgets are finalized. And then life happens. Your partner decides the website needs to be updated or sees a Facebook ad for another practice and wants to try that now.

By |April 7th, 2019|Sharpen Competitive Edge|

Get the Picture? The Importance of Big Picture Goal Setting

When creating a strategic marketing plan, it can be difficult to know where to start. Do you begin by reviewing past performance? Or do you first figure out what’s in the budget? While both areas are important in finalizing a marketing plan, they are not where you should begin.

By |April 7th, 2019|Strengthen Marketing Plan Outcomes|

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